Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am trying to find inspiration............I am looking, there, everywhere...........I even searched the dictionary. Not that I have nothing else to do...........why did I refrain from writing "nothing better to do", its odd when you look at yourself from a neutral perspective. But that is what I tell people (read patients) to do. I guess the profession becomes your life after a while. I  am still looking for an inspiration.......but work comes in the way. It takes place of the inspiration and makes all ideas monotonous. Is that the natural progression of every human mind- perhaps that is aging, when thoughts get narrowed down to few topics, we start loosing the faculty called imagination to venture through unknown terrains, and end up being obsessive/stubborn/orthodox...........un inspired!
If Alzhiemer's can be tackled by doing Sudoku, senile stubbornness should be dealt with by practicing fantasy is a thought!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joylife...
    you write so well and i am wondering if you are a psychologist...:)

    "If Alzhiemer's can be tackled by doing Sudoku, senile stubbornness should be dealt with by practicing fantasy is a thought!"

    i believe completely in this.

    It was nice to read you as i found that the same questions keep pricking me time n again.
